I had a touch of morning sickness today. I am convinced that it is food related though - after all, I did help my mom cook last night. This does sound a bit "denial-ish", but the fact of the matter is that as fast as it came, after a pill, it went.
So from the mouth of babes. In order to see where Jordan is at with all this, I asked him if he caught a fright when I came into his room.
"Why?" he said.
"Because of my short hair"
"No Mom I didn't catch a fright"
"Does my hair look funny" I pressed
"A little freakish" he casually said with a bit of disinterest as he looked past me to the TV with that "Move" sigh-expression. He must have picked up on that word from a bit of eavesdropping.
"How do you mean freakish?" I asked
"Well, that haircut looks like it belongs on me, not you. Your face is a little big for that haircut, my face is little"
"Oh ... okay then" :-) He really does want that haircut doesn't he.
I've read up on what it must be like for children his age to go through this unwanted experience with a loved one. They simply don't understand it. Even though they might sit with their own little thoughts of confusion of trying to figure things out based on their limited understanding, they can't help but express themselves in that normal 9-year old self-centered way. Not being able to go on a play date, or have that new toy becomes more important to them than what we might be going through. It is not a case of insensitivity, but it is their coping-mechanism to have things normal and understandable.
Thankfully, Jordan is his normal self thus far. His experience has only been based on what we have told him of things to come. Even with this though, I have seen a notable compassion in him. He has always had this quality, but the notability comes with little changes like not being too rough with me when we do the rough-play thing.
Tomorrow is his day. We could not have planned a day any better than having family around for lunch - he just loves it. We should take a leaf out of our children's book by enjoying the most basic of all things - family. Everybody sits with unpredictability for the future, so Christmas to me is a day to just treasure what we have NOW. After all the consumerism that Christmas has become ... doesn't it all boil down to this in the end - enjoying the day with those you love.
I'm not sure when I will post next, but during this time, my thoughts are not only with the people that are with us, but all those who I wish were with us too (.)(.)
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