Friday, December 18, 2009

The start of Chemo

Today is Chemo Day. The day I have had a lot to say about as I have awaited its arrival with intrepidation and anticipation. And do you know how I feel ... BLESSED beyond words that I can't even think of the dreaded needles. Let me tell you why and the wonder of everything happening in my life right now.

Not only did we end yesterday with the first of many delicious Christmas dinners with special friends, but yesterday, after I finished up my blog post, I got an invitation (with a personal note) to become Oriah Mountain Dreamer's friend on Facebook. It was like OMG!! She is my rock star man!! It is like being a die-hard groupie to Bon Jovi and being personally phoned by Jon.

Oriah is the Author of many best selling books. All of which I possess and was introduced to 6 years ago by a very special friend of mine. Her books are The Invitation, The Dance, The Call and What We Ache For. Her style of writing and what she has to say is exactly how I want to write and I believe I have as much potential.

I only got serious with my writing aspirations earlier this year ...

I'm going to have to finish this post later ... MY MOM HAS JUST ARRIVED AT MY FRONT DOOR FROM P.E. ... IT'S A SURPRISE!!


  1. Ah Laurie - you blog made me cry already! What a lovely surprise for you today. Everywhere I look outside my house today it is white and stunningly beautiful. So many of my friends are going through tough stuff at the moment - but today feels like a good day a day for turning a corner and positive changes happening. Yes you have some tough months to get through, but get through them you will and at the other end, when all the dark places have been reached the light will shine and your life will always be precious to you xxx Thank you for letting me be such an intimate part of your life, I send love and prayers xxx

  2. Today is just another step in the right direction for you. And Oriah seemed to show up at just the right time. Enjoy the time with your mom and good luck with chemo. Thinking of you.

  3. Ah lekker man Karen! That is a great surprise geez. Hey, give your Mom a big hug from all of us here. Hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas. We're sitting here with snow upto our eyeballs and it will be like that now till April next year and we're at minus 46 right now ... brrrrr
