Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 43 - 25 November 2009

I feel like shit today - not physically, but mentally. I have nothing constructive to say so I thought I would try my hand at a bit of poetry.

Out of action
For a lack of satisfaction
Trying something new in creation
To see if I can change my reaction

I feel as lost as Nemo
But not because of the Chemo
It's not flowing so good in this Stream-o
But there's no harm in trying to Dream-o

Isolation is not the way to go
I've already been in that show
There's a lot I don't know
But I know when I am stumping my toe

Hoping for emancipation
It feels rather like constipation

I better consider changing direction
Before the poem starts rhyming with masturbation

Life really doesn't have to suck
But sometimes we do get stuck
And with a little bit of luck
You'll never hear me say - what the fuck!!

So please God let me only look back
To see how far I've come through this crack
And if I don't give you any more flack
Then I'll know I'm on the right track

My journey, I need to embrace
Before I fall flat on my face
If this were to be the case
Then I'm never going to win this race

Hehe ... not bad for a first attempt. A little lost in the middle, but who cares when I do actually feel a little better already!! (.)(.)

1 comment:

  1. Loved the poem - cheered me up, so it must have worked for you too.

    Don't forget: you're not alone.
