My check-up appointments with both surgeons is on Thursday. This is when they take off the dressings and set me up with the oncologist. There is still that 1% chance that I might not even need chemo, but I will definitely need radiotherapy. Let's see which way it swings. Either way, I am prepared. I am already starting to itch, so healing has definitely happened. In-fact the day after taking out the drains, the holes were already closed up and looking healed. Truly amazing.
As though we haven't had enough hospitals. On Friday night, my first night out of hospital, we got a bit of a scare. I had already taken my medication by 10ish, which included a sleeping pill. Hil was also going to take a sleeping pill because she has not been sleeping too well in my absence. Thank God she didn't because at 11ish, Jordan came up to our room screaming in pain. His stomach was cramping. We didn't want to mess with it as it could have been anything, the way he was carrying on. Even though he is rather dramatise (like I am sure most men and boys are) when something is sore, he never pretends to be sick. So off Hil had to go to take him to the hospital, just in case it was his appendix or something. I am so grateful for friends, because I was in no position to go with Hil after taking my sleeping pill, so "Koekie Koeksermoer" was woken from her slumber to lend a helping hand, which she did with absolute pleasure. All was sorted after a teaspoon of bascupan, but I only knew the next morning because I was way in the land of nod before the car had even left. The moral of the story is only one parent at a time can take a sleeping pill.
I've been feeling a little aggro this morning and I think it is because I was remembering the visit I had on Wednesday morning at the hospital. This strange woman asked if she could visit with me. Hil was on her way out and I was getting ready to push some zzzzzz's, so I couldn't exactly escape. She told me that she had looked on the register at reception and wanted to pray for all the Christians. What about the Jews and Muslims? I actually think she looked for all the cancer patients because the other ladies in my ward were also christian and she didn't pray for them. What was this - my last rites?? I don't mind being prayed for, and actually think it is quite a kind thing to do, but come on man ... she didn't even know me or what relationship I had with God and was asking if I knew I was going to go to heaven. Was she trying to "save" me before I die? I said to her "Sweetheart, I've got news for you ... this is heaven and there is no such thing as hell, lest you believe in it. Anyway, I am really tired, so can we just do our little prayer of thanks so that I can get some sleep". I think she probably would have got more compassion and appreciation from me for the service role she is playing if she didn't look so hung-over. Holding on to her head with red eyes, red face and a blue bulbous nose. I've been there, so I know the look and feel. Rather than get angry and wanting people to realise that there are different routes to the same destination, perhaps I should pray for her instead. She meant well I suppose, although I am thinking " My last rites ... honestly!!!"
Yesterday I finally found a way to sleep on my side. Since the op, I could only sleep on my back and it gets rather uncomfortable. Hil did lose her pillows in the interim, but the continentals came in use for a change. No more being decorative for them.
The doctor says I can drive in a week and can basically do what I want in moderation - i.e. sit by the computer. I can't go as far as hanging the washing, but I must try and stretch up from time to time. I can already stretch both arms right up, so this is good, but I will definitely take her advice on the domestic side of things - not that I actually hang the washing in this house!! She said if I want I can stay in bed for 3 weeks, but it is not necessary. I guess if I worked for a company I would definitely take advantage, but I am glad I can still keep up-to-date with my own work. I will only be spending about 3-4 hours a day at work this week and then take it easy with all those lovely books that I have recently acquired. And yes, I will most probably stay in my new jarmies - they are so comfortable and the weather is perfect for it. Besides, PJ's will remind my friends I am still sick and in need of pampering, right? (.)(.)
LOVE the bra, dah-ling. Glad you told the prayer-lady how things really stand. It's about time everybody realizes that we are living our heaven/ hell right now. Maybe than everybody will stop preparing for the hereafter, and rather start making the most of what they have now.